Kim Ball - RSFbpw Member Directory

Kim Ball


After nearly 20 years of experience with one-on-one clients and groups of all sizes & abilities, Kim has a great understanding of physiology, movement, proper body mechanics, injury prevention, and training application. She uses well-rounded, integrated, FUN strategies that get you results.

While Kim is an experienced coach, she’s also a mom. So, she’s personally been through the journey of learning how to balance mom life. It took her a loooong time to figure out how to consistently pencil her wellbeing and movement into her own busy calendar.

Now in her mid-40s, with her kids becoming more self-sufficient, Kim is acutely aware of how important it is to move past self-care and also seek out passion, challenge, and adventure.

In light of these realizations, Kim is now focused on offering fitness solutions for busy moms over 40. She continues providing private training services and coaching CrossFit athletes but is currently building and strengthening her online services.

Her newest program, Morsels of Movement, is an online group coaching program for busy, adventurous moms. This is the start of a greater vision… the building of a supportive community of moms in midlife who are looking to keep themselves healthy and prepared for all the adventures they have ahead of them.